(A.K.A Magic, Fairy or Peruvian Lilies)

Commonly known as "Rain Lilies" because of their propensity to burst into flower after rain, these clump-forming bulbous evergreen perennials will flower from late December right through to April.

The dark green, narrow, rush like leaves grow to about 30 cm tall with the dainty white crocus like flowers appearing above them.

Rain Lilies can be planted any time of the year and are resistant to pests and diseases. They can be used in rock gardens or as ground cover and are perfect for border and edging plants and containers.

When: Plant any time of year, but avoid in very wet winter weather

Where: Rain lilies grow best in well-drained, slightly acidic soil, rich in organic matter, in full sun or part shade

How: Plant about 2.5cm deep and 7-8 cm apart. Rain lilies look best in large groups, and the closer you plant them, the sooner you will achieve the mass-planted look. Water regularly after planting, particularly if the weather is hot

Watering: Water your plants regularly throughout their growing period, especially during dry spells. Regular watering will extend the flowering period

Fertiliser: A general fertiliser once a year in spring, can help to increase flowering

Propagation: Rain lilies will thicken up to produce masses of flowering plants if left in the ground to multiply. Propagate by seed or dividing clumps

Landscape uses:

  • As a ground cover around pavers, or around the base of larger plants.
  • Plant in front of a low hedge to disguise the trunks.
  • As an alternative to Mondo grass.
  • Make excellent Container plants.
  • They look great planted like Bluebells under deciduous trees.